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Category: Addiction

NoLo Drinks: Can They Help Reduce Alcohol Harm?

May 7, 2023
It’s no secret, people love alcoholic beverages.  Wherever people gather to socialize or celebrate, alcoholic beverages are available in abundance.  But, the fun is short-lived when it leads to alcohol...

Media Glorification of Substance Use Has Harmful Consequences

April 23, 2023
Media glorification of substance use has become increasingly problematic as technology has advanced.  Today’s society is inundated with social media posts, movies, and music that endorse drugs and alcohol. Throughout...

Alarming Statistics Expose the Prevalence of Drug-Related Crime in America

April 13, 2023
Every day, drug-related crime affects society in thousands of ways.  Yet, those who are not directly affected may not realize the severity of the problem.  With that in mind, we...