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Category: Addiction

Facing the Ugly Truth: Why ‘Casual Meth Use’ Isn’t a Good Idea

November 10, 2022
Meth kills people. That’s the ugly truth about it. But, before it kills a person, it takes them on a horrifying journey and turns them into someone they or their...

How Well Do You Understand the Role of Aftercare Programs in Relapse Prevention?

November 6, 2022
Many people today believe that detox and rehab are cures for substance misuse or inappropriate use.  In truth, treatment programs are just the first step in the recovery process.  Recovery...

Combating Drug Misuse or inappropriate use in America: Can We Ever Win This Brutal War?

November 3, 2022
Our country has fought many wars throughout history, but none of those wars have lasted as long as the war on drug misuse or inappropriate use in America.  For more...