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Category: Addiction

Using Meth and Fentanyl Together: Know the Risks of Mixing Uppers and Downers

September 8, 2022
As if addictive drugs aren’t dangerous enough, many people find ways to increase the risks of the deadly substances.  The worst idea they’ve come up with is mixing uppers and...

Fentanyl and Cocaine: Why It’s a Deadly Combination

September 1, 2022
Most illicit drugs are deadly when taken in large doses.  When two or more of the drugs are combined, they become even more lethal.  Although fentanyl is used to lace...

Disturbing Facts About Xylazine Everyone Needs to Know

August 25, 2022
Something new is going around in the world of illicit drugs.  It has been discovered that Xylazine is showing up in cocaine and heroin, and users of these drugs are...