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What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? This Is What It Isn’t

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Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the leading treatment and therapy methods for creating lasting change in addicts and alcoholics seeking recovery. Unfortunately, many wrong definitions of cognitive behavioral therapy can get in the way.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is A Machine For Therapy

People don’t “go to CBT”, process their stuff, get some tools, and leave. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be pragmatic in this way. Most often, it is a journey. Clients are not always capable of identifying their problematic behaviors. It can take time utilizing traditional psychotherapy techniques to help clients come to the realization of their issues and become willing to work on them directly.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Only Treats Surface Issues

CBT is considered a practical therapy method because it is goal-oriented. Together, a client and a therapist identify behaviors and thought processes which prove problematic and create issues in life. Behaviors and beliefs can affect how we act in relationships, how we perform in jobs, and how we relate to ourselves. Though CBT looks at current issues, these issues are intimately linked to the past.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Doesn’t Heal Issues From The Past

In order to discover the beliefs which fuel behaviors and decisions, CBT has to dive into the past. We all experience moments in life which define who we are, what we believe, and how we act. CBT doesn’t heavily process the past but challenges clients to look into the past for answers about the present. We don’t often consider where our beliefs come from or why we act the way we do. Most often, these processes have been defined and refined again and again, time over time.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Isn’t Proven To Work

This is the most radically misinformed falsehood about cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT is referred to as an “evidence based” practice. Evidence based means the research has been done which consistently proves that a treatment method is effective in reducing symptoms and creating healthy tools for the future. For addiction and alcoholism treatment, many mood and personality disorders, even working through challenging life transitions, CBT is a helpful tool which creates long lasting change.

Everyone is capable of creating the change in their lives required for finding freedom in recovery. Design For Change invites men and women who are seeking long term treatment for long term recovery. For information on our residential programs and recovery services, call us today at (877) 267-3646.

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