Group Therapy in Rehab Covers Many Topics: Here’s What to Expect

By 11 months ago

Group therapy in rehab brings clients together to talk about their experiences with substance use.  The sessions provide a safe, non-judgmental environment where people can freely express their thoughts and feelings.  The sessions are moderated by credentialed therapists who are experienced in the field of addiction treatment.  

As one of the most widely used components of addiction treatment, group therapy helps clients understand the underlying cause of substance use.  With this insight, they can develop effective coping strategies for relapse prevention.

Group therapy typically includes several types of therapies, each with a different focus.

Types of Group Therapy in Rehab

Each person who enters rehab has different needs and different reasons for their substance use.  As a result, therapy sessions aim to provide each client with a comprehensive program that is beneficial to them.  With this in mind, Design for Change Recovery offers evidence-based group therapy sessions such as:

Psycho-educational Groups

Clients attend psycho-educational group therapy to learn about substance use, the underlying causes, and the medical, behavioral, and psychological consequences.  Structured sessions may include visual aids such as videotapes and lectures.  The purpose of psycho-educational groups is to instill self-awareness by helping clients understand the recovery process, overcome denial, and take action to correct maladaptive behaviors to achieve and maintain abstinence.  

Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy

Cognitive behavioral groups are evidence-based therapies that help clients change learned behaviors.  The sessions seek to encourage positive thinking patterns, perceptions, and beliefs to replace negative ones.  For example, negative thinking often includes things like this:

  • “I just don’t think I can quit.”
  • “No one loves me.”
  • “I am not like everyone else”.
  • “I’m a failure.”

CBT is an effective tool for helping people gain the skills to manage overwhelming emotions and develop self-control.  As a result, they can more readily avoid relapse.  Furthermore, applying these skills in everyday life situations will facilitate an easier transition into sober living.

Skills Development Groups

Coping skills training is the most common type of skills development groups.  The goal if skills training is to help clients cultivate life skills that are vital to maintaining sobriety.  Some of the topics may include how to avoid triggers and cope with urges to use.  The sessions may also include broader topics such as anger management, relaxation exercises, and problem-solving skills.

Support Groups

Support groups allow people with substance use disorders to share coping strategies and receive support from others who face the same challenges.  In general, members are encouraged to set goals and take advantage of opportunities to interact with other sober individuals.  Support group sessions are a valuable resource when a person in recovery needs to connect with others and receive encouragement and guidance.

Topics Discussed in Group Therapy Sessions

At Design for Change Recovery, group therapy is an integral part of our treatment program. However, we realize people may be uncomfortable talking about their problems with a room full of strangers.  For this reason, we also offer individual counseling sessions.  This combination of therapies provides significant benefits.  

One of the main benefits of group therapy is that clients learn that they are not alone in their suffering and struggles.  The sessions cover a range of topics that help people stay on track in recovery.  Some of the most frequently discussed topics in group therapy are:

  • Tips for replacing bad habits with positive ones.
  • Substance misuse or inappropriate use triggers.
  • How to let go of past grievances and forgive others.
  • Understanding the causes of negative thinking.
  • How to feel and express gratitude.
  • Benefits of practicing mindfulness.
  • Trauma and its role in substance use.
  • Stress and anger management.
  • Exploring your interests, flaws, and goals.
  • How empathy helps build healthy relationships.
  • Exploring alternative sober activities.
  • Planning for the future.

Group therapy in addiction treatment offers other benefits such as helping people improve communication skills and overcome feelings of guilt, shame, and loneliness.  All in all, group therapy helps people gain the skills to maintain long-lasting abstinence.

Learn More About Group Therapy at Design for Change Recovery

If you’re looking for the best drug rehab for your needs, Design for Change Recovery will provide the high-quality treatment you seek.  We’re sure you have many questions about group therapy and our other program options, so reach out to us today.  One of our treatment advisors will answer your questions and help you create a personalized program.  

To learn more about our comprehensive treatment programs, contact our Lancaster, CA facility today.  The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to get sober. We will help you reach that goal.

Sources: – Group Therapy in Substance Use Treatment – 2 Types of Groups Commonly Used in Substance Misuse or inappropriate use Treatment

Design for Change