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When Is an Intervention Needed for Alcoholism?

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Home QA When Is an Intervention Needed for Alcoholism?

If someone you love is struggling with alcoholism, you may be wondering how you can help. You may have suggested treatment, gone to Al-Anon, and tried every other thing you can imagine to live with their disease. Here are some signs an intervention is needed for alcoholism:

  1.      The safety of others is at risk. Whether the risk is driving while under the influence, or risk of harming others through violent acts, this can be an indicator that an intervention is a solid next step.
  2.      They can’t stop. No matter how much they try or want to stop drinking, they just don’t seem to be able to. They may bring alcohol to work, drink in the morning, or simply be unable to stop drinking after they start.
  3.      Family talks haven’t worked. Most families try communicating in various ways their concern for the alcoholic. If one on one or small group conversations haven’t made an impact, an intervention can be the dramatic step that is needed.
  4.      Getting into trouble. Most normal drinkers stop drinking and driving after one DUI. This is not the case for alcoholics, who can’t seem to stop drinking after the first one. This could also include trouble at work or school.
  5.      Mental health problems. Alcoholics often exhibit signs of anxiety or depression. If symptoms are worsening or you are concerned about suicide risk, don’t wait to do an intervention. You may be saving a life.
  6.      Large financial problems. Alcoholism is expensive. If you have been enabling an alcoholic, letting them know at an intervention that any future money is going towards treatment can be a good wake up call for them.
  7.      Malnutrition. End stage alcoholics often suffer from malnutrition. The gastrointestinal system stops being able to digest and absorb nutrients. They may be suffering from deficiencies of thiamine, B1, or folate.
  8.      Withdrawal symptoms are present. If the alcoholic begins having physical withdrawal symptoms like shakiness, nervousness, sweats, or delirium tremens, a medical detox is recommend.

An intervention can be a life changing event for an alcoholic. It is possible to hire an interventionist to help. This person is present at the intervention and helps guide the process. Sometimes having a neutral third party can increase success. If you are concerned about a loved one’s drinking and your intuition is leading you towards intervention, honor that. You don’t want to regret avoiding that difficult conversation. A life or lives are at stake.

One step at a time, one day at a time, you can recover. At Design For Change, we offer refuge to those seeking to win against addiction because there is freedom in recovery. There is hope. Call us today to learn more about our long-term treatment programs and recovery services creating change, one step at a time. (877) 267-3646
