Too many of America’s holidays are dominated by excessive alcohol use, with Labor Day being one of the most dangerous weekends for alcohol-related accidents and deaths. With this thought in mind, will you let alcohol misuse or inappropriate use take over your holiday celebrations or will you find alternative, sober ways to enjoy time with friends or family?
To help you make an informed decision, here are some things you need to know about Labor Day Weekend and alcohol misuse or inappropriate use.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) sponsors an annual event in advance of Labor Day weekend to help reduce alcohol-related injuries or deaths. The campaign Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over kicks off mid-August and runs through September 2. As part of the campaign, law enforcement officers work with communities to promote awareness and prevention.
NHTSA data shows that 32% of all traffic fatalities are due to alcohol-impaired driving. In 2022, about 13,524 alcohol-related fatalities occurred which translates to an average of one fatality every 39 minutes. Clearly, alcohol misuse or inappropriate use affects a person’s ability to safely operate a moving vehicle. Not only does the individual risk his own life but the lives of innocent people who are in their path.
Driving while impaired (DWI) in the United States is defined as a blood alcohol content (BAC) greater than or equal to 0.08%. However, a BAC below .05% can impair cognition and attention.
If you drive while under the influence of alcohol, you are at risk of the following:
Of course, it’s not all about you. Driving under the influence puts others at risk of harm due to your alcohol misuse or inappropriate use. The best way to protect yourself and others is to make sure you don’t drive while intoxicated, even if you’ve only had one or two drinks.
There is nothing new about drinking alcohol during holidays, and it won’t go away anytime soon. Laws and fines won’t fix the problem, but they will help keep some individuals from making the same mistake twice.
The best way to avoid the consequences of alcohol misuse or inappropriate use during Labor Day weekend is to choose not to drink at all. But, if you know you will drink during the celebrations, plan to have a designated driver or take an Uber home.
If you want to enjoy a sober Labor Day weekend, you can choose from a long list of alcohol-free activities that are fun and will keep you and your family safe. Here are a few suggestions:
Of course, holidays are not the only time to be concerned about alcohol misuse or inappropriate use. Many individuals struggle with alcohol every day of the year. If you have trouble controlling your drinking during holidays, it may be a sign that your alcohol use is problematic at other times throughout the year as well. If so, sobriety can be achieved and maintained through alcohol rehab.
Design for Change Recovery is a premier drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility. We provide a full continuum of care that encompasses a range of treatment options. Our programs are evidence-based, state-certified, JCAHO-accredited, and client-oriented. This means you are assured of getting the highest level of addiction treatment available. We offer customized, flexible plans that can adapt to your changing needs as you progress through the program.
At Design for Change, we realize that each client is unique and will respond to treatment in their own way. For this reason, we offer different levels of care such as outpatient, inpatient, partial hospitalization, short or long-term programs, and aftercare services. We are proud to be in-network with many major insurance providers to help clients get the best treatment possible.
You can overcome alcohol misuse or inappropriate use and enjoy improved physical and mental health for the long term. We know it’s possible because we’ve seen hundreds of our clients achieve and maintain sobriety as a result of our programs. Contact us today at our Lancaster, CA facility to learn more about alcohol misuse or inappropriate use treatment.
transportation.gov/- Impaired Driving Laws, Enforcement and Prevention
nhtsa.gov/- NHTSA Launches Labor Day Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign