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What Lessons Can You Learn From The Fall?

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In the fall we begin to feel a chill in the air that reminds us winter is coming. We see the leaves change and begin to drop to the ground. We adjust to less hours of light each day. Our skin often feels drier. We begin to use the heaters in our home. There are many changes we experience in the fall.

The fall season offers a multitude of lessons for us. Here are some lessons you learn from the fall:

  1.      Let go. Let go of the past. Let go of longing for the beach days of summer. Let go of wishing it was dark later. Let go of how it was and embrace how it is. Let go of books you aren’t reading. Let go of clothes that don’t spark joy. Let go of clutter. Let go of that which no longer serves you. Let go and give as a way to cultivate a cycle of abundance.
  2.      Harvest. Fall is the time to harvest the crops you have worked so hard for throughout the year. It’s a time to enjoy the lessons you taught your children, the hard work you did for your employer, and the personal work you did to cultivate growth.
  3.      Release that which no longer serves you. Nature is such a guide for us. Each year we see millions of trees release their leaves. They have done their job. The cycle is complete. They let them go. It is only in the letting go that the tree can survive the weight of the wind, rain and snow of the winter. If the tree held onto the leaves beyond their time, it would harm it. It is a great time to year to look inside, identify resentments, and release them.
  4.      Embrace the darkness. We tend to love the light. We honor the sun. We appreciate electricity. It’s always darkest before dawn. Fall is a time to embrace the coming darkness of winter. It’s a Fall is a time to look inside, deep inside, and evaluate. Where are you in life relative to where you want to be? Fall is a great time to look at what is so and begin to plan for what is next
  5.      What is hiding under your green leaves? You wouldn’t imagine that many tree’s full expression isn’t bright, vibrant green leaves. It’s the red, gold, orange, and yellow leaves of fall. What is your full expression in this lifetime meant to be?

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lessons from fall