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If I Know I Have A Problem With Alcohol, Why Am I So Afraid To Quit?

July 3, 2017
Don’t hold it against yourself. Sobriety is scary! You have lost your ability to live without alcohol because it has chemically taken over your life. You’re afraid to quit because...

Biosound Therapy Can Prevent AMA Discharge As Crisis Intervention

July 3, 2017
AMA discharge stands for against medical advice. Sadly, in treatment, this happens all the time. A client decides that they do not want to be sober, they don’t like the...

5 Of The Kindest Ways You Can Support Someone In Treatment For Addiction

June 30, 2017
Treatment is a major process of transformation during which your loved one will need all the kindness, love, compassion, and support they can get. Here are 5 thoughtful ways you...