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7 Practical Ways to Get Through Your First Sober Thanksgiving

November 17, 2022
When someone is in recovery from alcohol use disorder, anticipating the Thanksgiving holiday can be quite stressful. Because alcohol is often served in abundance at many Thanksgiving dinner tables, you...

7 Tips for Supporting a Loved One After Rehab

November 13, 2022
The big day has arrived.  It’s time for your loved one to come home from rehab.  It’s only natural that you are excited and proud of their progress.  Even so,...

Facing the Ugly Truth: Why ‘Casual Meth Use’ Isn’t a Good Idea

November 10, 2022
Meth kills people. That’s the ugly truth about it. But, before it kills a person, it takes them on a horrifying journey and turns them into someone they or their...