Hallucinogens can have serious consequences on both the mind and the body. If you or someone you know is struggling with one of these powerful mind-altering drugs, it’s important to seek hallucinogens treatment as soon as possible. At Design for Change, we help those suffering from addiction to hallucinogens heal – allowing them to move forward with purpose.

Types of Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens affect the user’s sense of things and can result in visuals that may appear real but aren’t actually there. There are many types of hallucinogens. Popular hallucinogens falling into the subclass of psychedelics include:

  • LSD
  • Psilocybin (“Magic mushrooms”)
  • An increase in body temperature & blood pressure
  • Mescaline or Peyote
  • DMT
  • Ayahuasca
  • Bath Salts
  • GHB
  • LSD
  • Salvia
  • Toad Venom

We also help people overcome addiction to dissociative hallucinogens at our PCP addiction treatment in Lancaster, California. Dissociative hallucinogens include:

  • PCP
  • Ketamine
  • DXM

Symptoms of Hallucinogens: Effects on the Brain & Body

Symptoms of hallucinogens can range widely depending upon the type. According to the National Institute of Drug Misuse or inappropriate use, short-term effects of hallucinogens can include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Nausea
  • Increased heart rate
  • Appetite loss
  • Increased blood pressure, breathing, and body temperature
  • Paranoia
  • Panic
  • Psychosis
  • Excessive sweating
  • Detachment
  • Mixed senses

Meanwhile, more dangerous symptoms are specific to the types of hallucinogens the user is taking. Psilocybin, for example, can result in fatal poisoning, while PCP can cause seizures and death.

Options for Hallucinogen Rehab in Lancaster, California

The most popular treatment option we have available would be our in-home treatment facility. Should you decide to go this route, you will call this place home for up to 90 days.

  • Initial Intake Process: When you first arrive, you’ll go through an initial intake procedure. If you have withdrawal effects, you’ll go through the detoxification procedure as soon as you arrive. Following detox, you will receive psychological evaluations to determine your level of readiness.
  • Primary Care Procedures: Once you are admitted to the primary care facility, you will be given a tour of the grounds. This is your healing place. One of the first things you should do is meet with your new counselors. These will be the people who help you work through the issues that got you to where you are. As you go through your stay here, you can expect to work through several different styles of counseling. One, you will have intensive focused one-on-one therapy. Two, you will work with groups of other individuals who share similar woes to yourself. Finally, you can decide on many different holistic treatments that are also available to our patients.
  • Aftercare and Follow-up: During our program, you will develop skills designed to support independent living. Ongoing care is available to interested patients. Recovery, for most people, is not a one-time thing. It is continual.

For People Comfortable at Home, We Have an Alternative Program Available

Would you rather stay with your family at home? Who could blame you? They love you so much. We’ve got just the course for you. It’s modeled on our award-winning inpatient program. However, you get to stay at home each night.

  • Psych Evaluation: We administer psychological evaluations to all incoming patients. This is to determine their level of need. Depending on the results, you’ll be assigned to one of three severity levels.
  • Determination of Case Severity: According to your level of severity, you will need to attend our facility each week for a specified number of hours. You could need to attend for as many as 40 hours a week or as few as 10.
  • Primary Care Procedures: The protocols are taken straight from our inpatient program. You’ll learn the same skills that you would if you decided to stay with us.
  • Aftercare and Follow-up: Once you complete your program, ask your counselors about ongoing therapy. Continuing recovery is the best course of action if you truly desire to live a life of sobriety.

First Responders and Families Can Contact Us for Information Regarding Our Specialty Services

It does not take long working in our industry to develop an understanding of the community.

Everyone exists within a network of other social creatures. Whether they are our family or friends, they lend support, even when we do not know. For those people, we dedicate these programs.

  • First Responders and Emergency Service Workers: If you are a front-line emergency worker, you deserve more support than you are given. We designed a special program to give you thanks. Hopefully, you will enjoy our small token of gratitude.
  • Family Members and Other Emergency Contacts: Addiction doesn’t just hurt the user. It also hurts their family members and everyone else who loves them. We are here for you as well.

We’ve seen so many people in your same shoes. Let us walk you through our course. You will learn how to cope with all of this stress and support your recovering loved one once they leave.

Hallucinogens Treatment Medications

We prefer to treat dependency using holistic methods. However, medications may be administered under specific circumstances.

Typically, certain medications will be given to help relieve the stress of withdrawal. Following that, psychological evaluations are given to determine if further prescriptions are needed.

Withdrawal May Be Managed Using Medical Intervention Under Certain Circumstances

Any chemical that is ingested frequently will begin to influence your body’s natural homeostasis. As the body fights to maintain equilibrium, it becomes dependent.

Once you cease administration of these chemicals, it disrupts the body’s new balance. We call this disruption “withdrawal.”

Commonly Indicated Prescriptions

  • Clonidine
  • Alprazolam
  • Trazadone
  • Quetiapine

Following Initial Intake, Psych Evaluations Will Determine Any Ongoing Medication Needs

Ongoing research suggests most users are dependent on drugs as a form of self-medication. Regardless of the condition, they are trying to treat; the result is the same.

Dependency on foreign chemicals disrupts your ability to live a normal life.

If it’s determined you suffer from psychological illness, we will continue to offer support in the form of pharmaceuticals. These will be non-habit-forming and have research supporting their use.

Commonly Indicated Prescriptions

  • Antidepressants
  • Pharmaceutical Mood Stabilization
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Anxiolytics

Ongoing Treatment and Relapse Prevention

Once you graduate from the Lancaster facility, you feel brand-new. In large part, you are. We commend you for having the tenacity to complete something that many others fail to follow through with. It takes more discipline than you realize to do what you just did.

Nevertheless, the battle must continue. Active recovery is a lifelong journey. Let us lend you a hand any time that you need one. It would be our duty.

Building a Support Group Is Crucial for Long Term Sobriety

We recommend building new bonds with better people once you are on the outside. Your friendships will determine, largely, how your life looks later on. Eliminate negative friends and find more positive influences. Above all, remember being alone is better than being around bad associates.

Continuing Therapy With Your Specialist Is Another Option Available to You

You could also attend therapy sessions with one of our therapists here in Lancaster. They would love to continue building on the progress you made when you were here.

Tips to Prevent Hallucinogen Relapse

Preventing relapse is, mostly, about re-learning new habits. Addiction to hallucinogens does not develop severe physical tolerance. Thus, most of the battle, when it comes to these drugs, Is inside your mind.

Repair Your Relationships With the People You Love and Your Family

Your family will become vital in the ongoing battle to secure a future of sobriety. Remember to keep them informed of the way that you are feeling. Hiding things doesn’t help. They can only give you the support that you need when you let them know that you need it.

Identify Your Triggers and Develop Corresponding Coping Mechanisms

The number one reason people relapse is that they are exposed to a trigger. Triggers are anything that makes you feel the desire to use them. You must identify what these things are.

Then, it would help if you avoided them with all of your might. That way, you can become the person you’d like to be.

Hallucinogens Treatment at Design for Change

If you’re looking for LSD addiction treatment in Lancaster, CA, or assistance recovering from other types of hallucinogens, we can help. At Design for Change, we take a holistic approach. Once you or your loved one arrives at our treatment facility in Lancaster, California, we’ll carry out a full evaluation. This allows us to develop a recovery plan unique to the patient’s specific needs. During the stay, patients can learn coping mechanisms and receive encouragement from our experienced support staff. Courses available in our rehabilitation plans cover art therapy, sociometry, nutrition, and fitness.

Start the Road to Recovery Today

Addiction to hallucinogens can take you or your loved one’s focus off of what’s important in life and potentially lead to serious side effects. At Design for Change, we’re here to help – providing a guiding hand to those struggling with these perception-altering drugs heal and move on to live more meaningful lives. To start the road to recovery, contact us with our support staff today. Be sure to ask about our HMO coverage for a more affordable solution to hallucinogens treatment.

  • What Are Hallucinogens?