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6 Esteemable Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

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how to boost self esteem during addiction treatmentThe best way to build self-esteem is through esteemable acts that make you feel better about who you are in a healthy, concrete way.

Show Up On Time

When you commit to time with another person, you’re committing to not just your time but also their time. You owe it to the other person to show up to your appointments, events, dates, interviews, or anything requiring time, on time. If you have to cancel, cancel well in advance and express your apologies. Showing up on time is a small esteemable act that helps you not be that person who is always late.

Show Up, Period

It’s better to show up late than never, but it’s better to show up early than late. More importantly, it’s just better to show up. You gain self-esteem by learning to show up to important events. Metaphorically, you are learning to show up in life by showing up clean and sober every day.

Help Others Unexpectedly

Hold the door open. Ask if someone needs help. Do a favor. Fill into a spot where you’re required. People in recovery tend to act in extremes. It’s easy to take on too many opportunities to help and overload yourself with feelings of obligation. That is not the esteemable approach when you cannot fulfill your responsibilities. Instead, it would help if you took on what you can and otherwise be helpful in unexpected situations, like holding open the door.

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Be Accountable and Be Responsible

Accountability and responsibility are hugely important in recovery. The difference between being accountable and being responsible is a matter of understanding. You have an obligation toward it. Justify your decisions. Being responsible and liable are esteemable acts because you are holding yourself to your word, which has gained more meaning in recovery.

Be Respectful

Respect is having a deep admiration for others. Don’t admire the particulars of who someone is and what they do. Respect is estimable because it acknowledges the more profound recognition that other people are human, prone to their thoughts, opinions, and mistakes.

Be Considerate

Addiction and alcoholism are inherently selfish and self-centered diseases. The way that addiction changes the wiring of the brain includes a shift in priority and focus. All priority and direction go to drugs and alcohol, which completely take precedence. Rather than consider negative consequences and how decisions affect others, the only thing that matters is the self-serving act of drinking and using. Being considerate toward others means taking the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of others into consideration and acting generously toward that.

You are capable of creating tremendous change in your life, one step at a time. Design For Change offers a refuge for those in the fight against addiction to come out victorious. Our treatment programs are built on the hope and freedom that recovery can provide. For information on our full continuum of care and recovery services, call us today: 855-997-1372

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