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A Message About COVID-19

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Detox Doctor and Client

We’re Providing Inpatient Services

We are open and accepting new clients with enhanced sanitary protocols:

  • All residential staff are vaccinated and wear KN95 masks. 
  • We prescreen all clients prior to admission. 
  • We tested all clients upon admission. 
  • All new residential clients will be taken for a medical screen within 24 hours.
  • We monitor all clients very closely by taking temperature daily and checking symptoms throughout the day.
  • Pre-screen everybody prior to entering our facility by checking the temperature, symptoms, potential exposure, and any high-risk factors.
  • Staff constantly sanitizes high-touch areas (doorknobs, switches, tables, chairs, office equipment, etc)
  • All staff and clients maintain social distance throughout the day.
  • We accept only pre-approved, prescreen visitors with restricted visiting rules.

We will continue to follow directives from the CDC for the next steps as to what precautions to take and how to evolve our treatment protocol. Our Clinical and Executive Teams are monitoring the situation closely and we are able to make necessary adjustments in real-time.











Joseph Hunter, CEO

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