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Aftercare: Why Some People Succeed in Recovery and Some Don’t

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Home recovery Aftercare: Why Some People Succeed in Recovery and Some Don’t

Addiction treatment programs have helped millions of people overcome addictions.  Many of these individuals reclaim their place in society and lead successful lives.  Yet, others struggle with repeated relapse and fail to enjoy lasting sobriety.  So, what causes these two different outcomes?  Aftercare programs may be the answer.  Let’s explore the benefits of these programs to better understand how they can make a difference in a person’s recovery results. 

Aftercare Programs Keep People on Track During Early Recovery

Think of an aftercare program as a follow-up treatment plan for continued support and guidance after rehab.  The goal of these programs is to help individuals remain focused on their sobriety.  During rehab, counselors work with clients to create a post-treatment plan.  Those who take part in the plans have more success in avoiding relapse than those who don’t for many reasons.  

One of the biggest challenges recovering people face is the feeling of being all alone in their pursuit of a better life.  Transitioning from the security of rehab to the outside world can be a daunting experience.  These individuals need someone to turn to when things seem overwhelming.  Yet, many of them don’t have a loving, supportive environment to turn to during this sensitive time.  With that in mind, aftercare programs seek to help people cope with the challenges they encounter during their transition.  

About 50% of people who leave rehab will relapse within the first 90 days following treatment.  So, it is crucial that a recovering individual takes part in post-rehab services.    

Here are some of the ways an aftercare program acts as a compass for those who find themselves in the unfamiliar landscape known as sober living:

>  Build stable relationships  

Substance misuse or inappropriate use causes people to say and do things they wouldn’t have otherwise.  As a result, many relationships are damaged and families are torn apart.  Aftercare programs encourage clients to seek supportive, positive individuals to spend time with.  They are also encouraged to make efforts toward repairing broken relationships.  Aftercare services also include helping clients develop anger management and communication skills.  These skills are valuable tools that aid in maintaining healthy relationships.

>  Regain financial stability 

Aftercare services can include helping a person find employment.  They also help a person learn basic financial management skills.  Why is that important?  Studies show that when a person can’t provide for their own needs, their self-esteem and confidence drops.  A poor self-image often leads a person to seek solace in drugs or alcohol.  So, establishing self-reliance is a proven way to help prevent relapse.

>  Accept accountability and responsibility

The terms accountability and responsibility are often used interchangeably.  But, the terms have significant differences.  For instance, accountability means a person takes ownership of the outcomes of their behavior.  Responsibility refers to the role a person plays in their own success or failure.  An aftercare program helps a person recognize that they do have power over their success in life and should hold themselves to a higher standard of living.  

>  Find sober hobbies and activities  

Aftercare programs provide a variety of resources to help clients find sober activities they can enjoy.  A person in recovery must learn to have fun without being high.  Forming friendships with other sober people is the best way to learn the value of sober living.  Interacting with like-minded people is another effective tool for relapse prevention.

>  Attend self-help groups or counseling

An aftercare program can assist in finding the best self-help groups or counseling services in the community.  Moreover, these resources can provide the continued encouragement, support, and guidance necessary for long-term abstinence. 

> Find a trustworthy sober-living facility

Finding a suitable sober-living facility can be difficult. Generally, people aren’t sure what to look for in these facilities.  A counselor can make recommendations about the various recovery residences in the area.  Their advice will ensure that you are choosing a safe environment.

Different Types of Aftercare Programs to Choose From

Although relapse is common, the setback can be devastating for some people.  The best way to avoid this likelihood is to take advantage of aftercare services.  Each person in recovery has unique needs and they have a variety of options to choose from.  Here are a few examples:

  • 12-Step programs – These local meetings focus on the spiritual steps to recovery.  Alcoholics Anonymous is the most well-known program in this class.
  • Support groups – Local support groups generally focus on specific addictions.  They are a great source of encouragement and helpful advice.
  • Counseling – A person can choose one-on-one counseling or group meetings.  Individuals can discuss any recovery-related concerns or problems they may have.
  • Recovery residences – Otherwise known as sober-living homes.  These facilities offer a structured, sober environment that requires adherence to specific rules.  

Each of the programs offers different methods for helping a person remain sober.  For that reason, participating in more than one aftercare program can prove beneficial.

Design for Change Recovery Recognizes the Importance of Aftercare

All in all, aftercare programs help a person adapt to life after rehab.  The many services they provide are in place to help recovering individuals remain goal-oriented.  

At Design for Change Recovery, we realize that rehab is only the first stage of recovery.  Living a substance-free life is an ongoing journey that should not be taken alone.  The hard part of recovery comes when the individual steps out of our facility into a world where unlimited temptations await.  That’s why we work with our clients to create an aftercare plan that is right for their needs.

If you want to overcome addiction, contact our Lancaster, CA facility to learn more about our unique programs.


  • – Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery 
  • – Substance Misuse or inappropriate use Aftercare Treatment
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