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April Is Alcohol Awareness Month: What Is It and How Can You Participate?

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Home Addiction April Is Alcohol Awareness Month: What Is It and How Can You Participate?

Alcohol Awareness Month is observed in April each year and is sponsored by The National Council for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) in partnership with SAMHSA.

What is Alcohol Awareness Month?  It is a national public health awareness campaign that promotes education on the causes and treatment of alcohol use disorder (AUD).

The primary goal of Alcohol Awareness Month campaigns is to reduce the stigma surrounding alcohol addiction and help people get the treatment they need.   It also focuses on expanding education programs on the dangers of alcohol misuse or inappropriate use.  

Although many organizations promote alcohol awareness, individuals are encouraged to take part as well.  April is fast approaching, so now is the time to start planning if you’re interested in participating in Alcohol Awareness campaigns.  The following information may help you understand the significance of this annual event.

Statistics Reveal the Importance of Alcohol Awareness Month

People of all ages struggle with alcohol use disorder.  Alcohol is the most popular substance used by youth and adults globally.  The following statistics will give you a clearer perspective on why alcohol misuse or inappropriate use is a national health crisis.

  • 88.3% of people over 18 reported drinking alcohol at some point in their lifetime.
  • 55.3% of high school seniors reported using alcohol in the past year.
  • 69.5% of people over 18 drank in the past year.
  • 54.9% of people over 18 drank in the past month.
  • 23.3% of people over 18 admitted to binge drinking in the past month.
  • 06.4% of people engaged in heavy alcohol use in the past month.

More than 30 million people in America have a diagnosable AUD.  Each year, more than 95,000 people in the U.S. die from alcohol-related issues, making alcohol the 3rd leading cause of preventable deaths.  

This information illustrates why Alcohol Awareness Month campaigns are increasingly important.

Why Should You Participate in Alcohol Awareness Campaigns?

Alcohol Awareness Month provides an opportunity for concerned individuals to help people that are struggling with AUD.   If you actively support the campaign, you can help save lives.  

Education and information about alcohol decrease the likelihood that people will drink.  Furthermore, individuals who already have an alcohol problem are more likely to seek treatment if they have access to resources.  Alcohol Awareness Month is a great way to reach out to these individuals and make a positive impact on their lives.

If you don’t wish to participate in the campaign, you can do some things on your own that can be helpful now and year-round:

  • Research.  Learn about alcohol use disorder and how alcohol affects a person’s health.
  • Abstain.  If you consume alcohol, stop drinking or try to limit how much you drink. 
  • Encourage.  Talk to your children, friends, and relatives about the dangers of alcohol and the long-term health consequences involved.  
  • Share.  Use #AlcoholAwarenessMonth or #ProofIsInTheNumbers on your social media accounts to help spread awareness.

Far too many people still view alcoholism as a problem that exists mainly among homeless individuals.  But, in truth, alcoholism does not discriminate.  Anyone can develop problems with alcohol regardless of age, gender, race, social standing, or financial status. 

Getting Involved in Alcohol Awareness Month

The best way to get involved in Alcohol Awareness Month is to download the toolkit.  The toolkit contains links to memes you can download and customize and share on social media.  

Weekly themes for this year’s Alcohol Awareness Month include the following.

The weekly themes for April 2023 Alcohol Awareness Month are:

Week 1:  Harms to Others/Impaired Driving/Violence (April 2-8)

Week 2:  Alcohol and the Economy (April 9-15)

Week 3:  Alcohol’s Role in the Opioid Epidemic (April 16-22)

Week 4:  Alcohol and Cancer & Excessive Alcohol Use (April 23-29)

(*The toolkit is provided by the Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC).  Their goal is to improve the quality of substance misuse prevention efforts.)

You can use the following links to access the toolkit materials:  

Local schools, faith-based organizations, addiction treatment facilities, community coalitions, and healthcare facilities offer various opportunities for those who wish to participate in Alcohol Awareness Month activities.

During Alcohol Awareness Month, everyone who drinks alcohol is encouraged to choose a weekend to abstain from alcohol use.  The problem is, many people have become dependent on the presence of alcohol in their bodies and can’t successfully stop on their own.  

Can’t Stop Alcohol Use On Your Own? Contact Design for Change Recovery.  We Will Help You Succeed.

Suddenly stopping alcohol use can be hard when the withdrawal symptoms appear.  It’s easy to reach for another drink to help alleviate the discomfort.  A professional detox and rehab program can help.  Detox programs allow you to effectively manage withdrawals in a monitored environment for your safety and comfort.  A rehab program teaches you proven relapse prevention techniques for long-term sobriety.

At Design for Change Recovery, we support Alcohol Awareness Month not only in April, but every month of the year.  We do this by providing affordable and effective alcohol addiction treatment programs while educating our clients about the dangers of alcohol misuse or inappropriate use.

If you have tried to quit alcohol but can’t, we urge you to reach out to Design for Change Recovery in Lancaster, CA.  Our alcohol addiction treatment programs are customized to meet the unique needs and circumstances of each client.


alcohol awareness month