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Author: Design for Change Recovery

NoLo Drinks: Can They Help Reduce Alcohol Harm?

May 7, 2023
It’s no secret, people love alcoholic beverages.  Wherever people gather to socialize or celebrate, alcoholic beverages are available in abundance.  But, the fun is short-lived when it leads to alcohol...

Relapse Prevention Tips: 5 Strategies to Avoid Alcohol Purchases At the Grocery Store

May 3, 2023
Individuals in early recovery are surrounded by triggers that threaten their abstinence.  Even a trip to the local grocery store can be a significant challenge.  You need some good relapse...

What Are Behavioral Addictions and How Do They Relate to SUDs?

April 30, 2023
What are behavioral addictions?  Behavioral addictions are similar to substance addictions and are also referred to as non-substance addictions.  The disorders are similar in that they both indicate a lack...