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Category: Blogs

Design for Change Recovery Blog

How to Resist Those Summertime Drug Use Triggers

June 26, 2021
Most Americans look forward to summertime and the promise of leisure activities it brings.  But, for some people, summer presents challenges that can threaten their hard-earned sobriety.  People in recovery...

Addiction or Substance Use Disorder: Is There a Difference?

April 6, 2021
Words and terms like “addiction,” “substance misuse or inappropriate use,” “substance dependence,” and “substance use disorder” get thrown around a lot, but it is not often that we take time...

Will Hallucinogens Be the Future Of Addiction Treatment?

December 7, 2020
Addicts are in a peculiar version of the world when they seek treatment and recovery. The neurology of addiction affects the brain so that they are unable to produce pleasure...