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Category: Blogs

Design for Change Recovery Blog

Telomeres Tell All: Addiction And Alcoholism Age You Faster

August 7, 2017
People look more youthful after they get sober. Before and after transformations are absolutely mind blowing. Cosmetic surgeries, products, supplements, and diets cannot achieve the sparkle of hope, the glow...

Coming Back From A Relapse, Of Any Kind

August 3, 2017
The worst relapse we can experience in recovery is a chemical relapse. However we get to making the decision, we decide to pick up drugs and/or alcohol again. Our relapse...

Recovery From Drug Addiction Builds Resiliency

August 1, 2017
Resiliency is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.” How is it that after daily use and misuse or inappropriate use of drugs and alcohol, addicts and alcoholics...