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Category: Blogs

Design for Change Recovery Blog

Are Treatment Centers Using Twelve Step Programs Actually Cults?

May 11, 2017
Alcoholics Anonymous gets called a cult often. To be considered a cult, a group has to meet a specific set of criteria. Here we will examine each cult-criteria and debunk...

Wait For The Miracle To Happen! Don’t Leave 12 Step On Account Of These 3 Myths

May 10, 2017
Alcoholics Anonymous and all twelve-step programs get a bad reputation, but they save millions of lives. Don’t go running before you know the truth about AA. As it is often...

Addiction Is A Habit, Recovery Is Creating New Ones

May 9, 2017
Are reflexes choices? Do we choose to react to a stimulus or trigger in a certain way once it becomes a habitual reflex or does the brain work on its...