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Fight Addiction and Come Out Victorious

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Home Addiction Fight Addiction and Come Out Victorious

Life is in shambles when addiction is in control.  The urge to get the drugs or alcohol distracts the addict from reality and problems continue to build.  Fighting the battle solo is not an option.  Treatment and support are the right answer.  The fight against addiction is personal and different for everyone.  Some people in treatment will need strenuous detox treatment, while others require more emotional therapy.  Using resources the facility provides will differentiate the treatment.  By using a prescreening, or ‘precovery’, the doctors and therapist can determine the best path to success.  The drive to succeed will be introduced during treatment.  Continued support helps prevent relapse.  Being victorious in recovery is having a happy and healthy life.  

Each addict is an individual, which explains the need for unique treatment.  Detox and abstinence is the first step.  The intensity and discomfort of detox will be a result of the drug of choice, length of use, and amount of use.  The best way to handle detox is with help.  Medical treatment while cleaning the system will make the process easier on the person in treatment physically and emotionally.  Doctors, nurses, and therapists know the stages and medication needed.  Taking prescriptions accordingly will aid in a healthier outcome.  Victory over detox and abstinence guides the addict to the next stages of treatment.

The emotional roller coaster of addiction comes to an abrupt halt in recovery.  Treatment and therapy assist the individual in handling the intense feelings and possible dual-diagnosis.  Conditioning for building a new life begins with the therapy.  Managing cravings, acknowledging hard emotions, and preparing for new emotions requires diligent work and dedication.  Coping skills and life skills are taught.  The lessons are extended into aftercare.  Practicing communication and emotional control pushes the addict towards victory.

Fighting addiction is a life-long trial.  Baby steps to get to the maintenance stage are small victories.  Every minor success needs attention.  The smallest win helps create full success in life and in recovery.  Setting more basic goals in the beginning of recovery and moving on to more challenging ones will make the fight against addiction less of a daunting task.  Addicts can and will come out victorious when the support is present.

You don’t have to fight addiction alone.  At Design For Change, we empower those who struggle.  Find understanding and move forward with confidence.  Take the first step, call (877)267-3646 to come out victorious!
