While alcohol can cause damage to the brain and impair cognitive function, the brain can repair itself when you maintain sobriety.
Until somewhat recently, many believed that the adult brain had a limited number of neurons set at a fairly early age. However, research shows that the adult brain can continue to produce new cells. This is promising news for those recovering from alcoholism because alcohol misuse or inappropriate use causes damage and shrinkage within the brain. Maintaining sobriety allows your brain to undo much of the harm inflicted by alcohol addiction.
As alcohol’s effects first take hold, you experience differences in your judgment, concentration, and coordination. Your inhibitions relax. However, when you misuse or inappropriate use alcohol, significant physical changes occur within the brain. Most brain experience damage and shrinkage areas, but it might be most noticeable in the frontal lobe, which governs your logic and behavior, and the cerebellum, which deals with coordination and muscle control. Continued misuse or inappropriate use can lead to an increased risk of cancer, dementia, seizures, and stroke, and those are only the brain-related health risks. Several other factors can also influence the degree of damage done, including:
When you stop drinking alcohol, your brain begins to repair itself. The first couple of weeks may seem difficult, but at this stage, you’re still dealing with some moderate deficits in thinking ability. This could be why many people struggle with relapse during this time frame. Many recovery programs will gradually introduce the educational components of rehab as the brain begins to regain function. Within a couple of months, you may feel less confused, distracted, or irritated. It becomes easier to remain calm and thinks clearly. As you maintain sobriety for months and years, you’ll experience considerable improvements in most areas. Within 5-7 years, you are likely to have complete or near-complete recovery in your short-term and long-term memory as well as your ability to analyze and solve problems by reading, listening, writing, and thinking.
Depending on your addiction’s severity and length, it may not be possible for your brain to heal completely. Some areas that could continue to be challenging even following recovery from alcoholism include:
There are other ways to boost brain cell growth and promote healing within the brain. Taking better care of your overall body through nutrition and exercise helps. Social interaction and education can spur brain cell production, as well. In some cases, medication may be prescribed. At Design for Change in Lancaster, California, we work with our clients to develop behavioral and cognitive changes that help them live healthier, drug-free lives. Our supportive team understands that people may turn to drugs or alcohol for relief from various issues. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, or other co-occurring disorders, we are equipped to treat these conditions side-by-side with your addiction to heal from both. This is a safe place where the entire staff cares and wants to see you make a successful recovery. Contact us today for a confidential conversation about how we can help.