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Music Speaks To The Souls Of Addicts In Recovery

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Addiction is a deadly disease which affects the mind, body, and spirit of those it captures. Some say that addiction feels like doing a deal with a devil. Despite the fact that addiction is increasingly worse, there is a payoff for the addict. On a neurobiological level, their brains are reaping the reward of constant downpours from dopamine production. Physically, their bodies become dependent upon the chemicals in the brain being produced by drugs and alcohol. Spiritually, addicts become more and more broken. One drink, one hit, one injection at a time, they take another piece of the spirit of who they are and give it away to instant gratification. Whatever the core source of their addiction is, there is a simple truth. Addicts are suffering from a grave spiritual malady, having lost their way in belief. Rather than believe in an all-knowing and merciful, loving higher power, rather than even believe in themselves, they believe in the falsities of drugs and alcohol.

Recovery has to encompass mind, body, and spirit, in order to fight addiction victoriously. Everyone has a different language in their soul. Music is a universal language which transcends differentiation of culture, race, or nationality. There is a sound, a rhythm and a beat, which speaks to everyone. Music therapy is a powerful tool in addiction treatment. Though music can be triggering when it is associated with old times of using drugs and alcohol, it can be healing. Lyrics can evict emotions. Arrangements can bring us to another time and place, like hope for the future. Listening to music is a journey many of us learn to take in our lives. Playing music is reported by most musicians to be an intimately spiritual experience, developing a relationship between the self, an instrument, and a higher power of Music.

Studies have revealed that music impacts the brain in a powerful way. This Is Your Brain On Music written by Daniel Levitin goes deeply into the neuroscience of music. Vibrations from sound can act as calming agents and release tension. Music creates special endorphins and other neurotransmitters like dopamine, a key player in the model of addiction. Euphoric feelings associated with music can replace those associated with drugs and alcohol.

When clients come to Design For Change, they are at their most broken. Our goal is to help clients build their self-esteem and realize coming to treatment makes them winners. Through hard work and time in treatment, their fight against addiction will be victorious. Music therapy at Design For Change allows each client to pick an instrument and learn to play it. Holistic therapy is just one part of our programs. For more information, call us today at (877) 267-3646.

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