As the opioid epidemic claims an ever-increasing amount of lives, there is a desperate struggle to find an addiction and mental health treatment option which will work long term. Alternative forms of harm reduction and prevention have started to open, including needle exchanges and safe use clinics. Some treatment facilities have started administering marijuana and prescribing it as a treatment method for addiction. In federal research, psychedelic drugs have gone back under the microscope and into the labs to examine their usefulness in treating addiction. Drugs like LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), and even MDMA, the popular club drug commonly called “ecstasy” are all being considered. The psychedelic effect of these drugs to safely cause euphoria and take clients on a “spiritual journey” has many mental health benefits. However, these drugs have always and continue to pose a significant risk for those who are prone to addiction and poor mental health.
Psychedelics Aren’t Addicting
What addicts and alcoholics experience in their chemical dependency on drugs and alcohol is not what someone who becomes “addicted” to psychedelic drugs experiences. Staying under the constant alteration of psychedelic drugs is difficult to do. Whereas an alcoholic wakes up and cannot get out of bed without taking a drink, the case is rarely the same for someone who regularly misuse or inappropriate uses psychedelics. It is possible to develop a tolerance for psychedelic drugs and need more of the drug than before in order to achieve the same quality as well as intensity of psychedelic and hallucinogenic experiences. Chemical dependency on psychedelics rarely occurs. Because of the severe mental effects of psychedelics abusing the drugs in high doses can lead to considerable brain damage. Psychosis, paranoia, persisting hallucinogen perceptual disorder and even schizophrenia can result.
In a controlled clinical setting, addicts and alcoholics wouldn’t have the opportunity to misuse or inappropriate use psychedelic drugs. However, after treatment, they might have a new memory association which connects feelings of euphoria, relief, growth, and development with psychedelic drugs. When life presents challenges, they may turn to psychedelic drugs, which are being used clinically and therefore “good” instead of tools and techniques for coping.
Design For Change utilizes evidence based treatment methods and proven 12 step philosophy to help clients create lasting change in their lives, one step at a time. For information on our long term residential treatment programs and recovery services, call us today at (877) 267-3646.