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Recovery Comes First On The 4th of July

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With Independence Day around the corner it is imperative that those in recovery stay ever vigilant. Holidays can be especially trying, an excess of jubilation happening in every town and city can bring up a lot of old feelings which can be strong triggers. While staying clean and sober during a holiday can be difficult, it is possible to have fun on holidays and make it through to the other side with your recovery intact.

Support Systems

No matter what day of the year it is, keeping close to your support group is essential – especially during festive times. Whether you are new to recovery, or have built up some time, making good use of your phone is of the utmost importance. If you find yourself feeling shaky, call one of your support contacts, in most cases it will be to your sponsor. If they do not answer call another from your recovery contacts. If you find that you cannot get a hold of anyone, it is advised that you dial a 12-step group 800 number – people will answer the phone 24/hours a day, 7 days a week.

Get To A Meeting

All over the country, 12-step meetings will be taking place every hour during the 4th of July. They are usually held at the larger meeting halls and Alano clubs, and information on finding out who will be hosting them during the holidays is available online. It is not uncommon for those in recovery to attend several meetings a day during a holiday. In Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous when meetings are hosted all day long they are referred to as Alcathons and Narcathons.

Know Your Limits

When you are new in recovery it is often ill advised to attend gatherings where alcohol or drugs may be present. If you want to be celebratory during the holiday and not put your sobriety in jeopardy, there are usually recovery events, such as dances or cook outs where people working a program can have a good time with other people working towards the same goal. Again, information regarding recovery events can be found on the internet on your local recovery chapter’s website.

Have a Safe and Sober Holiday

We at Design for Change Recovery would like to wish everyone a safe and sober 4th of July. Remember, if you find yourself struggling, help is always a phone call away.

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