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Being sober gives you a different perspective

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Congratulations on your decision to enter treatment! As you begin your journey of recovery, a whole new world is at your doorstep. You’ll soon find that being sober gives you a different perspective. You now know that a full, rewarding life is not just a possibility; it’s a reality.

One of the first things we learn to practice in recovery is gratitude. Where we once felt we had little to be thankful for, we now feel grateful for countless things: The warm sun, a cool breeze, a belly laugh, a good meal, and new friends. We’re grateful for things we once took for granted, and we’re grateful for a new foundation on which to rebuild our lives. Most importantly, we’re thankful for our sobriety; we soon realize that without it, we have nothing.

In the past, we’ve had a tendency to berate ourselves for what we haven’t accomplished and things we feared we’d never have. In sobriety, we celebrate our successes and our milestones, big and small. We celebrate the deep connections we’ve begun to make with our treatment counselors and other addicts and alcoholics. Through our treatment group or 12-step fellowship, we’re forming a whole new circle of sober friends.

In working with our counselor or therapist, we’ve begun to identify objectives and make plans for achieving them. This may be quite new for us. In the past, we’ve had a tendency to dream about lots of things, but we seldom took the steps to make those dreams a reality. Now, we’re making plans to go back to school, start a new career or simply enjoy activities we’ve always wanted to try.

We take pride in the fact that we’re beginning to live life on life’s terms, without using drugs or alcohol. As we regain the trust of our loved ones and coworkers, we realize that people can rely on us, and we can count on them in return. We begin to appreciate other people, just as they are.

We’re learning to care for ourselves and be good to ourselves on a daily basis. Often, we do this with limited resources. We enjoy the simple pleasure of playing softball, having a warm cup of coffee, laughing at a movie, or dancing until we drop.

As we awaken each morning, we embrace the day with hope. We now realize that life is an amazing journey. Enjoy the adventure!

Change happens one step at a time. Design For Change is a full continuum of care options providing the hope that is promised in recovery. As a refuge for addicts seeking change, our residential programs help change lives. Call us today for information: (877) 267-3646

Being sober gives you a different perspective