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Tiered Levels of Treatment

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Home Addiction Tiered Levels of Treatment

Every addict will have a different journey through recovery.  The treatment plan explains what care is needed for recovery.  The plan will also explain different levels of care.  Depending on the individual, level and intensity of use, and willingness to change will determine the level and length of treatment.  The stages of treatment will also vary.  


Precovery is important to establish a relationship with the caregivers.  The doctors, nurses, and therapists helping the addict need to know details of the situation prior to seeking help.  With the information, the support team can make the best plan of action for the individual.  

Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment

After the support team decides what treatment is best for the addict, admission begins.  Scheduled routine, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, medications, and detox treatment are issued.  The needed strength of treatment deciphers whether the addict will be an inpatient or an outpatient.  Tiered levels of treatment are needed to go from an addict to a person in recovery.  Transitioning from one person to the other is not something that can be done over-night.  Time is needed to help the addict understand the need to change.  More positive habits need time to become regular patterns.  Having constant support from the staff and other people in recovery gives strength to the addict.  


The next tier of treatment is aftercare.  Aftercare can be different and similar from inpatient treatment.  The difference with inpatient is obviously no longer staying at the facility.  Regular classes and group sessions should be attended.  The length of classes is what makes aftercare different from outpatient treatment.  Group therapy and one on one sessions keep the addict focused on recovery as well as allows outside life to begin.  The tiered effect gives stronger support as the transition into society happens.


Personal therapy and group sessions are now up to the person in recovery.  Once aftercare is completed, the decision to continue treatment is a personal one.  Everyone is encouraged to continue treatment.  AA, NA, CA, and several other groups are available for the recovering addict to find support.  Fighting addiction is a life-long commitment.  Dedication to sobriety shows possible continued success in recovery.  

From making the decision to get help, to following through with recovery, the journey so a difficult one.  Design for Change has a unique tiered treatment plan that will make the path to freedom a success.  Take the next step to change.  (877)267-3646

levels of treatment