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What Are the Main Steps in Addiction Treatment?

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If you’re ready to break the powerful grip of drugs or alcohol, success is best achieved by seeking professional help.  You’ve heard all the stories about how someone quit drinking or using on their own.  But, in most cases, they relapse not only once, but several times.  Their relapses happen because they did not take the proper steps in addiction treatment that promote lasting recovery.

To understand the need for professional addiction treatment, you need to know how drugs and alcohol affect the mind and body.  Each person has different environmental, mental, emotional, and physical reasons for using.  Substance use is the physical aspect. 

Stopping drug or alcohol use is only part of the process.  You must also treat the physiological aspects as well to maintain sobriety for the long term.  

Here are some things to know about the various treatment steps of starting a rehab program.

The Main Steps in Addiction Treatment

The different steps in addiction treatment are part of a full continuum of care customized for your needs.  At Design for Change Recovery, the four main steps to recovery are:

  1. Call Us
  2. Medical Detox
  3. Outpatient or Residential Treatment
  4. Aftercare

Let’s explore each step in detail to help you know what to expect during treatment.

#1.  Call Us

 Nothing else can happen until you make the call.  We’re here 24-7 to talk with you and get you started on a personalized treatment plan.  

#2.  Medical Detox

In most cases, medical detox is the first step in addiction treatment.  This part of treatment can be intense depending on the drug involved and other factors.  With the potential for severe withdrawal symptoms, you never want to attempt detox alone.  We offer a secure, comforting environment, medical supervision, MRT, counseling, and supportive, compassionate staff.  We will be by your side through the entire detox process to make sure you are as comfortable and safe as possible.

Each substance of abuse causes different withdrawal symptoms.  However, some of the most common symptoms regardless of the substance involved include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Agitation, irritability
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Changes in appetite
  • Sweating
  • Depression
  • Hallucinations
  • Tremors
  • DTs

Severe withdrawal symptoms can include paranoia, seizures, and coma.  

#3.  Outpatient or Residential Treatment

 After detox, you’ll begin the rehabilitation portion of the program.  We offer several levels of care to help you get the right program for your needs.  The level of care you require depends on the drug involved, the severity of your addiction, physical and mental health issues, and your work, school, or family obligations.

Our steps in addiction treatment are aligned with your needs.  You may begin with an inpatient or residential program and later qualify for an outpatient plan.  The options are flexible, based on your progress and your situation.  We offer the following levels of care:

  • Outpatient
  • Intensive Outpatient
  • Inpatient / Residential
  • Intensive Inpatient
  • Partial Hospitalization
  • Extended Care

Other options include Veterans Rehab, Gender-Specific Programs, First Responder Wellness Programs, and more.  

As you can see, our programs are client-oriented to ensure the best outcomes.  Depending on your needs, the time you spend in treatment can be 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or more.  Whether you are in a short-term or long-term program, you will receive the highest level of care required by JCAHO and the state of California.

We are also in-network with major insurance companies to ensure high-quality care.  Verifying your insurance is one of the first steps in addiction treatment we conduct on your behalf.

#4.  Aftercare (Extended Care)

Aftercare is a program that assists you during the transition from rehab back into society.  We work with you during your first steps in treatment to create an after-treatment plan to help you avoid relapse.  Our aftercare program also provides a range of resources to assist with finding employment, group or individual counseling, medication management, and sober living homes.  

The goal of our aftercare program is to provide a sense of direction for you as you adapt to sober living. It also serves to help you take ownership of your successes or failures.  Many caring, devoted people work these programs to make sure you succeed in reestablishing your place in society.

Learn More About the Steps in Addiction Treatment at Design for Change Recovery

The steps in addiction treatment vary from one facility to another, but they all have a common goal – to help clients reach their recovery goals.  At Design for Change, the staff, the facility, and the programs are all carefully selected to ensure positive results for our clients.  

Hopefully, today will be the day you take the first step by calling our Lancaster, CA facility.  One of our treatment advisors will assist you in any way.  We’re here to help as many people as possible get sober and go forward to live their best lives.  

Sources: – Medical Detox

What Are the Main Steps in Addiction Treatment?