What You Can Expect From Alcohol 3 Month Treatments

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common forms of substance misuse or inappropriate use. Since alcohol is legal and always readily available, especially in social situations, treating dependence on alcohol can be a particularly tricky situation. For alcoholics who struggle with breaking their dependence, a three-month treatment may be the option with the greatest potential for success. This treatment has been customized to help those with alcohol addiction and is broken up into thirty-day increments.For those who want to know more about what the three-month treatment entails, more information about each month is provided below. The three months are divided into three stages, and each stage is crucial in enabling the addict toaddress the underlying issues that have created the addiction.

First Month: Detox
The first month is focused on detoxing the individual from alcohol. This is an important and at times stressful first step for the addict. But it’s essential, so that he can go on successfully to the next stages of treatment. For people who have hardcore addictions to alcohol, professional supervision is extremely important to monitor the effects of withdrawal.Detox is usually done in a medical setting, because untilthe addict is free of alcohol, he won’t be able to heal from the damage alcohol has done.The signs of withdrawal are carefully monitored and medication may be given to alleviate signs of trouble.

The alcoholic may also try to gradually detox from alcohol himself, stopping usage in increments. However, this method of detox takes a great amount of self-control and is not the recommended way of detoxing. Some of the symptoms of withdrawal that may occur include:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Hallucinations
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety

Second Month: Counseling
Once the patient has been able to successfully complete the first stage of the three-month treatment, which is detox, he can go on to the second. This involves counseling with a professional about the roots of his addiction. Most therapy sessions will either involve group counseling or one-on-one sessions. These are crucial for the process of recovery. The addict needs to be able to work on rebuilding his life, so that it doesn’t include alcohol. He needs to identify the triggers in his life that have caused him to turn to alcohol, and identify how to change the previous conditions. Group therapy can be particularly beneficial during this stage, because it involves opening up to others that have shared his struggles.

Third Month: Integration Into Society
The biggest test of recovery is going back to regular life with the minefield of temptations and potential to relapse. This is when the recovering addict will have to put all his hard-earned work to the test, to see if he can resist the urge to drink. He will again beexposed to social events that involve alcohol,and have easy access to it at bars and restaurants. This is the crucial time when he must start building a support network to assist him in maintaining his sobriety. He needs to re-connect with his family and closest friends, and seek their support in assisting his recovery. The recovering addict must realize that there is no shame in asking for support, because he will need a strong team behind him to make the sometimes shaky transition to sober living.

This three-month program has been identified as being particularly successful in assisting alcoholics seeking a sober life. The system addresses addiction from a holistic viewpoint, treating the chemical and emotional dependencies that an alcoholic has previously not been able to cope with. For those who are considering undergoing a three-month treatment program for alcoholism, successful completion will yield life-changing results with the proper dedication and motivation.

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