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5 Key Questions to Ask When Seeking Treatment for an Addicted Loved One

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No one wants to be faced with the task of choosing addiction treatment for an addicted loved one.  At best, selecting the right program for a loved one can be a difficult process, especially with so many options available. But, you can make a more informed decision if you ask questions and do some research first.  

Not every addiction treatment program offers the same levels of care, so you want to choose wisely.  Finding the right treatment is the key to your loved one’s successful recovery.  So, to evaluate a program, ask the treatment provider about their philosophy and success rates along with these 5 questions. 

1.  What Level of Care Does My Addicted Loved One Need?

The level of care your loved one needs depends on several factors.  For instance, the substance involved, the severity of their addiction, the length of time the substance has been used, and whether your loved one has any co-occurring mental or physical health issues.

The most common levels of care are:

  • Medical Detox
  • Short-term inpatient programs
  • Long-term inpatient programs
  • Outpatient treatment

The program must be one that will adapt to your loved one’s specific needs. So, before choosing a facility, your loved one should be assessed by a professional to ensure that the right treatment approach is selected. 

2.  Does the Program Use Evidence-Based Practices?

If you’re looking for treatment for an addicted loved one, you want to know the program you choose is backed by the most up-to-date science.  An evidence-based or science-based model uses strategies and interventions that have been researched by addiction specialists and are proven effective.  

At Design for Change Recovery, our programs reflect the core principles of addiction treatment that include personalized treatment for every client, treatment for co-occurring disorders, and extended care programs.

Evidence-based programs are intended to enhance or supplement existing treatment programs and can be a comprehensive treatment model.  It is important to seek out these types of programs in order to help an addicted loved one.

3.  How Are Friends and Family Included in the Treatment Process?

You may have heard that addiction is a family disease.  What this means is that everyone close to the addicted loved one is affected in some way.  For that reason, family members and friends must understand what the loved one is experiencing.  They also need to learn how they can provide much-needed support during and after treatment.  

When a person completes treatment and returns home, each family member can play a role in providing a loving, supportive environment.  Your loved one needs to know you care, but they don’t want you to hover over them.  Family therapy helps you understand the importance of balancing these two aspects.  

Some facilities approach this aspect of treatment by allowing phone calls and informal, on-site visits.  Other family therapies and activities are provided such as workshops supervised by trained, compassionate clinicians.  The ultimate goal is to heal the entire family unit for lasting recovery results.

4.  What If Your Addicted Loved One Has Mental Health Needs?

Experts agree that most addictions are accompanied by a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety, or trauma.  The disorder may be a result of substance use or a contributing factor.  Better recovery outcomes can be achieved by treating the mental health disorder alongside the addiction treatment simultaneously.

5.  Will My Insurance Cover the Treatment for an Addicted Loved One?

If you’re helping an addicted loved one choose treatment, the first thing you want to know is whether your insurance will cover the program.  By doing this, you will avoid any unexpected costs that will be difficult to manage.  Before enrolling your loved one in a treatment program, be sure to speak with your insurance company.  You should also talk to the treatment facility about insurance and any other financial arrangements that may be available.

Evidence-Based, Compassionate Treatment for Your Addicted Loved One at Design for Change Recovery

Are you looking for reliable, effective treatment for an addicted loved one?  At Design for Change Recovery, we understand that you want the best for your family member who is struggling with substance use.  

We, too, care about your loved one’s success, which is why we customize our programs to meet their specific needs.  Using the latest and most advanced treatment modalities, we aim to ensure the best outcome for your family member.  

To give you an idea of what to expect in our program, here are a few of the therapies your loved one will receive:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Music and Art Therapy
  • Exercise and Fitness Routines
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Bio-sound therapy
  • Psychodrama Therapy
  • Group and Individual Counseling
  • Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT)
  • Family Therapy
  • Aftercare

Your first step in helping an addicted loved one is to contact Design for Change Recovery to learn more about our treatment options.  Reach out to us at our Lancaster, CA facility today to help your addicted loved one get on a recovery path that leads to a more productive and happier lifestyle.  


  • – Evidence-Based Approaches to Drug Addiction Treatment
5 Key Questions to Ask When Seeking Treatment for an Addicted Loved One