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5 Simple, Easy-to-Keep New Year’s Resolutions for People in Recovery

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As 2022 comes to an end, many people are setting goals for the coming new year.  Most of their resolutions include things like saving money, losing weight, or taking that vacation they’ve been dreaming about.  But, for someone in addiction recovery, setting goals for the coming year can be a little more complicated.

Healthy goal-setting strategies are vital for someone in recovery.  Staying on track and preventing relapse is easier when they have specific milestones to achieve.  With that in mind, let’s look at some simple, easy-to-keep New Year’s recovery goals.

Easy-to-Keep Addiction Recovery Goals For the New Year

Addiction RecoverySetting New Year’s resolutions should be about making progress in one’s life.  However, the resolutions are often overly ambitious and unrealistic, thereby causing excess stress and a sense of failure.  A person in recovery who fails to keep their resolutions can suffer a relapse.  Setting realistic goals that don’t leave them feeling overwhelmed is the best way to stay on course.

If you are in recovery and worried about sliding back into your old habits in the coming new year, here are a few simple resolutions you can try.

New Year’s Resolutions for People in Addiction Recovery

  1.  Keep a Journal: Don’t think of journaling as too much work or something your great-grandma would do.  Journaling is a proven method for helping people work through emotions.  You can express your most personal thoughts without feeling judged.  A journal is also a great way to keep track of the progress you make toward your recovery goals.
  2.  Try New Things: In rehab, you learned that you should avoid the people, places, and things that contributed to your substance use.  Making progress in your recovery will require you to try new things and move away from those triggers.  Your New Year’s resolutions could include trying new hobbies that don’t involve drugs or alcohol.  Examples of sober hobbies include things like swimming, biking, exercise, sports, reading, playing an instrument, or hiking.  Then again, you might be able to think of some sober ways to enjoy your free time that you haven’t tried before.
  3.  Stay Positive: This is easier said than done, but it’s important for your recovery success.  Many people in recovery tend to dwell on their past mistakes and anticipate failure in the future. Forgive yourself and leave the past behind.  Don’t let negative feelings get the upper hand and lead you back to your old habits.
  4. Pay It Forward: Try to focus on being grateful for all the support you’ve received from friends and loved ones and don’t ignore the progress you’ve made so far.  You couldn’t have done it without help.  So, resolve to pay it forward.  One suggestion is to volunteer in your community to do good deeds for others in need.
  5. Reach Out: Recovery is an ongoing process without a defined end date.  If you begin to feel overwhelmed along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out for support or guidance.  Attend extra group meetings or arrange a private one-on-one counseling session.

Making Your New Year’s Resolutions a Reality

Like many others, you’ll find that making recovery goals is the easy part.  Sticking to them is the hard part.  Try to keep your recovery goals foremost in your mind and refer to them when things get tough.  You’ve come a long way in your recovery process, so it won’t it be all for anything.  

The unhealthy behaviors that contribute to substance misuse or inappropriate use take time to develop and can’t be changed in the blink of an eye.  Setting recovery goals for the new year is a great way to keep yourself motivated.  

Find rewarding ways to fill your time, stay busy, and don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments. Also, you may need to adjust your recovery goals for the new year to make them more attainable.

Addiction Recovery Programs at Design for Change Recovery

At Design for Change Recovery, we realize that no two people respond to treatment the same.  To ensure the best outcomes for each client, our program is customized to fit each person’s unique needs. 

Our facility provides a comforting, peaceful environment where you can relax and focus on healing.  Each member of our staff will be dedicated to ensuring that all of your needs are met.  With our fully-licensed, accredited program, you can count on getting the best addiction treatment available today.  

If you have been in another treatment program, but are still struggling with substance use, we can help.  Or, if you are ready to try professional treatment for the first time, we are here to help you succeed in recovery. 

Finding freedom from substance use is the most worthwhile New Year’s resolution you can make, and we will help you keep it.

Reach out to our compassionate recovery community located in Lancaster, CA today.  One of our representatives will be available to recommend a treatment plan designed especially for you.

5 Simple, Easy-to-Keep New Year’s Resolutions for People in Recovery