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Category: Blogs

Design for Change Recovery Blog

To Tell Them Or Not To Tell Them: When Parent’s Don’t Know You’re Addicted To Drugs

June 8, 2017
Addiction impacts the whole family. So does recovery. If your parents are unaware of your addiction which has spiraled out of your control, here are the two arguments for telling...

Suit Up, Show Up, Give Yourself A Boost Up: How Being Of Service To Others Helps You

June 7, 2017
It’s a well known fact among people in recovery that being of service to others is an integral and necessary part of staying sober. When you’re feeling in a rut,...

New Opioid Combo “Gray Death” Causing Deaths Around The Country

June 6, 2017
Opioids weren’t supposed to get much worse after the recent surge of fentanyl and other synthetic opioid analogues like carfentanil, W-18, and U-47700. Throughout the entirety of the last year,...