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Choosing An Intervention Style Should Include Choosing An Interventionist

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How should you have an intervention for your loved one? The best person to answer that question is an interventionist.

When To Call An Interventionist

If your loved one is beyond the point of helping themselves, heeding the warnings of their family members, and unable to recognize the severity of their addiction, it is time to call an interventionist. It is important to understand, that if even after an intervention, your loved one does not believe they truly have a problem with drugs and alcohol, they will not commit to treatment. If they do commit to treatment, they might not complete it or they will relapse shortly thereafter. Intervention is designed to help loved ones thoroughly comprehend how serious their addiction has become and that treatment is the only option.

Types Of Intervention

In the professional field, there are many different types of specific intervention styles, methods, and techniques which an interventionist can use. Generally, there are two forms of intervention: family based or one on one. Family based interventions can take different forms, directly involving the family in an affront, the most popularized form of intervention, to working together to create a plan for recovery. An interventionist helps the family strategize the time and place for confronting a loved one while educating them about addiction and how their loved one might react. Typically the interventionist will set up everything a loved one will need to leave from the intervention and go to treatment.

Working with an interventionist directly can be a more effective way of working with a loved one struggling with addiction. Instead of having to face the entire family, a loved one can talk privately with a professional. Most often, interventionists are in recovery themselves or have experienced the painful loss of a loved one to addiction. They can effectively relate their story, show empathy and compassion for the loved one’s position, and emphasize the importance of treatment. More importantly, they can carry the message and promise of recovery, which family members aren’t always capable of.

Why Using An Interventionist Works

Being around family in a heightened moment of suffering can be hard. Addicts experience a debilitating amount of shame and guilt because of their addiction. Overcoming humility can be hard to do in front of family. Interventionists are not part of the family and do not take sides. They are a completely neutral, third party participant who can help to ease conflict and work toward a practical solution.

At Design For Change, we offer intervention services in addition to a full continuum of care for long term treatment. Through our programs, clients learn to take action and create change in their lives, one step at a time. For more information, call us today at (877) 267-3646.

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