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Category: QA

What Makes Sobriety So Great?

July 5, 2017
Many addicts and alcoholics who are hesitant to get sober in the beginning share a similar story about their first experiences with other sober people- they were so happy. Drugs...

What Is A “Toolbox” In Sobriety And What Are The “Tools” I Need For It?

July 4, 2017
We hear the term “toolbox” often in recovery when it comes to learning to live clean and sober from drugs and alcohol. Everyone gets a “toolbox” when they decide to...

If I Know I Have A Problem With Alcohol, Why Am I So Afraid To Quit?

July 3, 2017
Don’t hold it against yourself. Sobriety is scary! You have lost your ability to live without alcohol because it has chemically taken over your life. You’re afraid to quit because...