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Do You Need Step Work to Stay Sober?

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Step work is highly suggested for a 12-Step program like Alcoholics Anonymous. It is one of the first things that is mentioned in a twelve-step meeting. Sometimes the steps are hung on the wall for everyone to see and reference because the steps are highly revered. Is step work needed to stay sober? It depends on the specific needs of the addict. There are no real statistics that can be provided from the 12-Step programs. It would be impossible to keep track of every single member who works the steps and their progress and personal growth, especially since it is an anonymous program. Some members attend meetings but do not complete the step work. Most addicts prefer not to be told what to do, so there is no willingness to take direction in the first place regarding step work. Some people stay sober for the long-term that they do not attend any fellowship. It is unnecessary to work the steps, but the quality of life seems to change for a person who has completed the steps.

A huge difference can usually be seen after someone has gone through a set of 12 steps. Taking alcohol or drugs away takes the substance away. “Our liquor was but a symptom,” is stated in the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous, page 64.  Pure abstinence does not take the problems away. Underlying issues still must be dealt with. An appeal of working the steps for many addicts is to transform into a better sober person. The steps are meant to teach a newly sober person how to clean up the mess made in their addiction, live their new life with support from others, and then turn around to be of service to others.

Through step work, addicts can manage their substance use disorder by maintaining their sobriety with continuous step work. The idea is to keep growing by uncovering character defects that continue the surface. This can be a turnoff for some addicts that do not wish to do step work in the first place. Another turnoff for addicts is hearing members of 12-Step programs talk about people who are not doing the step work, which can alienate them from the group. Addicts can grow through spiritual means because the twelve steps provide a blueprint with a design for a living.

When clients graduate from a treatment program at Design For Change, they graduate having completed the twelve steps. Prepared to help others while continuing to help themselves, they graduate with a recovery foundation, where hope exists. Our treatment programs help change lives, one step at a time. Call us today for information: 855-997-1372

Do You Need Step Work to Stay Sober?