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What Is the Role of Willpower in Addiction and Recovery?

August 21, 2022
Willpower is a mysterious and confusing concept.  People use the term to rationalize their actions or inactions.  For instance, if you had more willpower, you would lose that extra ten...

A Few Surprising Facts About Meth You Didn’t Know 

August 18, 2022
Almost everyone has heard of meth and its horrendous side effects.  Yet, the story behind this drug’s prevalence is rarely told.  Would you better grasp the widespread meth crisis if...

4 Top Reasons Why Lethal Fentanyl Continues to Kill

August 14, 2022
Nowadays, buying street drugs is like playing Russian roulette.  As with the notorious game of chance, when buying illicit drugs today, the outcome is unpredictable.  Whether a person is buying...