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Treatment Might Be the Best Decision You Make In Your Life

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If you or someone you love are struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism, you may be considering treatment. Treatment increases your odds of recovery. It’s an opportunity to focus on yourself and returning to wellness. It’s an opportunity to lay a foundation for a life beyond your wildest dreams.

You may be wondering what some of the benefits of treatment are. Here are some of the reasons treatment might be the best decision you make in your life:

  1. Community. In treatment you are with others who understand what you are going through. They understand withdrawals, the mistakes you’ve made, and the challenges with starting over. This comradery can help lay a foundation for a new way of living.

  2. Comprehensive care. In treatment there is an entire team supporting you. There are individual counselors, doctors, group counselors, and additional members supporting your recovery. There is a whole team behind you.

  3. A future. Drug addiction and alcoholism, if untreated, usually leads to incarceration and/or death. With an investment in treatment, a future becomes possible. A future with friends, family, and joy is possible.

  4. Relationships. Drug addicts and alcoholics often end up alone. They eventually lose all of their family and friends. Treatment is a time to start a new life. Many sober alcoholics and recovering addicts regain the love and trust of their family and friends. You may get to see your grandchildren grow up.

  5. Medical detox increases sobriety success. Withdrawals can be deadly. Going through a medically supervised detox can increase your chances of success in sobriety. This support eliminates the risk of an overdose and increases chances of success.

  6. Avoid triggers. Certain people, places, or situations can trigger a desire to use. With treatment, you are removed from many of your triggers allowing you to lay a solid foundation of sobriety. In treatment you gain tools to deal with triggers.

  7. Focus on you. There are no sick children to attend to, no boss with big deadlines, no fights with family members over wrongs done. In treatment, you get to focus on you and your recovery.

If you are considering treatment, there are a multitude of reasons it can be the best decision of your life. There is another way and there is a way out. Pick up the phone and ask for the support you deserve today.

Addiction affects the whole family.

Design For Change, a residential treatment facility and recovery services program in Lancaster, is a place for hope and healing for all those affected by addiction. If you are ready to start the fight for sobriety, choose a program that will help you come out victoriously. Freedom is yours. Find it today by calling us for more information on our long-term, student, and customizable treatment programs:

(877) 267-3646

Treatment Might Be the Best Decision You Make In Your Life