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Understanding The Role Of Sociometry In Addiction Treatment

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Loners, rebels, popularity kings and queens, a part of, not a part of, trying to be a part of, failing to be a part of, feelings of perpetual loneliness, uncomfortable in one’s own skin- these are all common traits of the addict and alcoholic. At least, that is, most of them. There are the rare few who simply enjoyed drinking too much and truly were without any other defects of character. For the majority of addicts and alcoholics, substances were the answer to filling an undeniable hole they felt they had inside them. In recovery, we often say, we tried to fill a God-size hole with people, places, things, drugs, and alcohol.

Human beings are remarkably peculiar. With our consciousness we eventually come upon existential inquiry and go through phases of development in which we figure out who we are, what we are doing here, and what our purpose is as a human being on planet earth. This can be an overwhelming contemplation. Without an answer, and with varying life circumstances providing an unsatisfactory answer, we turned to drugs and alcohol. We might have had parents telling us one thing while teachers told us another thing and peers yet another thing about ourselves. Stuck in a perpetual identity crisis we found that drugs and alcohol soothed our minds and let us be who we really were. Upon getting sober and starting the work of the twelve steps in addition to clinical therapy, we realize, we didn’t have a clue. We might not still. We aren’t sure how to relate to others because we don’t feel certain we can relate to ourselves- especially without the “help” of drugs and alcohol. Through doing the work, we’re going to find out.

One of the methods we use to navigate relationships between ourselves and other people is through sociometry. Typically, sociometric evaluation is used in the workplace to increase camaraderie and solidarity among employees. John Wenger, his title “Chief Sociatrist”, wrote about sociometry for Training Zone UK. He writes that “sociometry is about people interacting and engaging with each other…so that their relationships deepen and become more authentic.” Wenger explains that sociometry can result in:

  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem solving
  • Kindness toward others

At Design For Change Recovery, we’re providing a refuge of holistic healing for addicts seeking freedom in recovery. With action comes change. If you’re willing and ready to do the work, Design For Change is here to help you. Everyone is capable of recovering. Call us today for information on our programs of treatment, including residential, family programs, and student programs. (877) 267-3646.

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