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What It Means to Provide a Full Continuum of Care in Addiction Treatment

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Full Continuum Addiction TreatmentVarious levels of care are available in addiction treatment programs, but not all programs provide full continuum addiction treatment.  Without a comprehensive range of treatment and services, people are more likely to relapse and overdose.  

If you or a loved one needs addiction treatment, it’s important to understand what a full continuum of care means and how it promotes lasting recovery.  At Design for Change Recovery, we work side-by-side with clients from intake all the way to aftercare services for an effective, full continuum of care.

Here are some things you need to know about the different levels of our full continuum addiction treatment available at Design for Change.

What Is Full Continuum Addiction Treatment?

The National Library of Medicine refers to “continuum of care” as:

“A treatment system in which clients enter treatment at a level appropriate to their needs and then step up to more intense treatment or down to less intense treatment as needed.”

Continuum of care is also referred to as “Recovery-Oriented System of Care” (ROSC) and is defined by SAMHSA as:

“A coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is person-centered and builds on the strengths and resilience of individuals, families, and communities to achieve abstinence and improved health, wellness, and quality of life for those with or at risk of alcohol and drug problems.”

At Design for Change, our full continuum of addiction treatment consists of eight different stages or levels of care including:

  1. Intervention
  2. Detox and Stabilization
  3. Medication-Assisted Treatment 
  4. Residential Treatment 
  5. Partial Hospitalization
  6. Outpatient Programs
  7. Intensive Outpatient Treatment
  8. Aftercare Services

After conducting a comprehensive assessment of a client’s needs, we work with them to customize a treatment plan that aligns with their specific circumstances.  Overall, the plan may include some or all of the above levels of care. Throughout the program, we adapt a client’s treatment plan based on their progress.

While in treatment at Design for Change Recovery, you will receive evidence-based therapies that address the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of addiction.  With a client-centered approach, we help you achieve a positive recovery outcome.

Benefits of Full Continuum Addiction Treatment

Recovery from addiction is a complex process that typically involves more than detoxification.  For instance, most addictions are accompanied by one or more mental health disorders, social and environmental issues, chronic health problems, or financial distress.  

To help a person maintain long-term sobriety, these co-occurring disorders must be addressed by a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment program.  For instance, at Design for Change Recovery, clients benefit from a personalized program that helps them gain the skills and motivation to avoid relapsing.  

Substance use disorders are multidimensional, requiring an extensive treatment plan that can adapt to each client’s unique situation.  Because of this, our programs include modalities to address all factors that fuel a person’s substance use behavior.  Your full continuum of addiction treatment at Design for Change will include a combination of some or all of these therapies:

Our primary goal is to make sure clients understand the underlying reasons for their substance use. Moreover, we help them learn to identify and cope with triggers to avoid relapsing.  

After a client completes rehab, we provide continuing care to ensure they stay on track.  As part of our full continuum of addiction treatment our aftercare services provide ongoing support and guidance to help clients transition into sober living.  These services may include resources such as sober living homes, support groups, and assistance with finding employment, transportation, childcare, and so forth.  Our clients never feel abandoned or alone as they reclaim their place in society.

Learn More About Our Full Continuum of Care at Design for Change Recovery

At Design for Change, we believe each person has the ability to change given the proper treatment, support, and compassion.   The foundation of our programs is that each person is unique, and no one chooses to become addicted.  Therefore, we employ skilled, credentialed, and compassionate treatment professionals who are committed to helping you recover. 

Design for Change is located in scenic Lancaster, CA, where we provide a comfortable, secure environment that promotes healing.  We are a fully licensed and accredited treatment facility meaning we consistently meet the stringent JCAHO requirements for client safety and care

It’s important to us that you get the high-quality treatment you need.  For this reason, We work in-network with many major insurance providers to help clients get the most affordable treatment possible.  However, if you do not have insurance, we will discuss other payment options with you.

Contact us today to learn more about our full continuum addiction treatment programs.  You can reach a treatment advisor by phone, email, or online.  

Sources: – Chapter 3: Intensive Outpatient Treatment and the Continuum of Care – Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC)

What It Means to Provide a Full Continuum of Care in Addiction Treatment