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This Is What Freedom Means When You Get Sober

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When many of us think of freedom, we think of the right to vote or bear arms. Freedom is defined in the dictionary as “the power to determine action without restraint, or personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery, or the right to enjoy special privileges or rights.” Freedom is a foundation for living. A life of freedom can mean a life of ease.

The life of an active drug addict or alcoholic is completely void of freedom. Each day is about seeking the drug, avoiding withdrawals, and finding a way to meet your disease. There is little joy, often great harm to others, and very little ease in living. Many alcoholics end up in jails, institutions, or dead.

The lucky alcoholics that find sobriety find freedom. The book, Alcoholics Anonymous, references freedom many times. “It is our great hope that all those who have as yet found no answer may begin to find one in the pages of this book and will presently join us on the high road to a new freedom.” These words offer hope to the still suffering alcoholic.

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For those new to sobriety, hope is also offered in the text. “Most good ideas are simple, and this concept was the keystone of the new and triumphant arch through which we passed to freedom.” For those just needing a simple reminder, the book states, “We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.”

That new happiness includes life in service to others. Having survived the grip of a progressive, fatal illness, many sober alcoholics are eager to share the gifts they received. They are anxious to share their new freedom and new happiness with others still struggling. This intensive work with other alcoholics helps ensure their future sobriety.

Freedom in sobriety means going to a dance club sober and having a great time. It means waking up in the morning without shakes or vomiting. It means showing up sober for your children. It means being a loving member of a family that can be counted on. It means hope, faith, and peace. It means living a life beyond your wildest dreams.

If you or someone you know are struggling with sobriety, you likely feel freedom from the grips of the disease is impossible. There is hope. You are not alone. Change is possible.

Addiction affects the whole family.

Design For Change, a residential treatment facility, and recovery services program in Lancaster, is a place for hope and healing for all those affected by addiction. If you are ready to start the fight for sobriety, choose a program to help you come out victoriously. Freedom is yours. Find it today by calling us for more information on our long-term, student, and customizable treatment programs: 855-997-1372

This Is What Freedom Means When You Get Sober